who we are
Professional Health Care
We Take Care of Your Problems Carefully.
Providing Services for Adults & Children with exceptional needs, to contribute to their quality of life.
Faith HealthCare is dedicated to professionally and compassionately guide families through the complexities
of managing their healthcare particularly during times of medical crisis. Identifying and tapping into God-given
strengths and resources, achieving their personal goals while meeting their challenges, maintaining or developing
strategies towards independent and life skills.
Faith Health Care agency seeks to provide supports in a manner that honors each person’s intrinsic value as loved by God.
These are explored on an individual and family basis and supports are available to enable the person to enable the person
to participate in meaningful and interesting activities.
We provide staffing for Nursing homes, Group homes, retirement homes, Long-term homes and respite care for youth and adult
with multiple disabilities, and complex medical needs. Our staff receives extensive training in all areas such as epilepsy, care for
physically & mentally challenged. Each of our staff must pass an examination and a rigorous interview, prior to being hired.
Service Principle
We help people to define and pursue their own dreams, goals and beliefs, to experience inclusion and relationships,
to enjoy meaningful activities and personal growth. Individual support services offer opportunities for in-home respite,
out-of-home respite, home domestic, and other alternatives to meet the unique needs of the individuals and their families.
Educating programs are presented to our staff on a quarterly and yearly basis, and are planned by the In Services Co-Ordinator. The primary objective
in recruiting our staff is their willingness to work with elderly, youth, and adults who have multiple disabilities and complex medical needs.
Faith HealthCare hires employees who have the intellectual skills, experience and character needed to deliver effective supports.
We look for employees to share Faith HealthCare Missions and Values and calling of God to serve and support people effectively.
We also provide supportive care for persons with exceptional needs and believes that with God all things are possible.
This includes living in their own homes and exercising as much control over their lives as possible.
We believe that prompt service and quality care is a priority. We do our best to make our clients feel that they can
rely on us and if they have a requirement that FHC is not qualified to handle, we will find the appropriate resource for
them. This service perspective focuses on helping peoples to define and pursue their own direction in life and respecting
choices, believes and preferences in everyday decisions.